Monday, May 7, 2012

Jesus on Broadway

There is a Superstar on Broadway! Last Wednesday, I ventured to the Neil Simon Theatre on West 52nd Street to see the Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice musical. I have been apart of the play in high school and saw the movie as well. However, I have never seen the production on the Broadway stage. I am so thankful I did, the play was magical!

Jesus  (Paul Nolan)

The performances by all three lead characters, Jesus Christ (Paul Nolan), Judas Iscariot (Josh Young), and Mary Magdalene (Chilina Kennedy) I enjoyed immensely. The set (Robert Brill) and costumes (Paul Tazewell) evoked a futuristic feeling while staying in the past. The music and lyrics by Webber and Rice were on point, both dramatic and uplifting, capturing the soul of the show through the rock opera lens. The singing and stage presence of the ensemble and leads were terrific.

The most disappointing part of JCS is that it was not nominated for more Tony Awards. JCS is up for two, best revival of a musical and best performance by a featured actor in a musical in Josh Young (Judas). After reading the Tony Nominations listing I was shocked that Des McAnuff, the director, did not receive any recognition. His staging in this production was punctual, powerful, and emotionally driven. Robert Brill the Set Designer was another shocker as well. Most of all, Paul Nolan. If anyone was born to play the role of Jesus in this show it is most definitely him. He captured the emotions, body language, movement so well, you would think he is Jesus himself!!

The Avengers

Last night I saw the Avengers in Imax  3D. Unbelievable! It was extremely entertaining. Lots and lots and lots of action sequences and it was very funny as well. I definetly recommend to see it. also, seeing the movie in Imax 3D is a must. This was my first Imax experience and it was phenomenal!

Also, Don't Forget to stay after the initial credits for some extra footage and after the rolling credits for some extra goodies as well.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Ohhh To Live In Japan

So if you happen to be visiting Japan and find yourself in a restroom, you might be in for a sweet old time. The video company Sega has created a urinal that doubles as a video game. The company charges about $1,800 per toylet and $125 per game. There will also be space for advertisers to buy as well.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Avengers. . . Well Not Really

The Avengers comes next Friday May 4th, so to celebrate this big movie event some fans have taken the initiative to make a little Avengers parody, enjoy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

3...2...1... BOOM!

If you just recently lost your iphone 5 and are afraid that someone is going to rummage through your personal stuff just watch this video.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thirsty. . . Here is the KegDroid

 Are you thirsty and a huge fan of google stuff? Enter KegDroid. Created by Paul Carff, a google employee and home brewer.

KegDroid comes complete with two beer dispensing arms and a tablet to order your beverage of choice. But if you are underage KegDroid will not pour your a glass of deliciousness.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Season 2 Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones season 2 is finally here. I have waited so long for this to finally to come, especially after reading many of the books. To finally see book two, A Clash Of Kings (season 2) come to life makes my inner nerd ecstatic. 

I enjoyed the episode. However, it is frustrating to wait a week at a time for each episode. So far they have kept up with the book exceptionally well. Can not wait to see what is next to come.